Friday, March 8, 2013

To say a lot has happened in the last 3+ years, would be an extreme understatement!

I had a double surgery by Dr. Oro in June 2009. Things did not go well. I ended up developing intracranial hypertension right after. This caused several csf leaks in my spine and neck. Many surgeries later, I was patched and had my first shunt placed.

I currently have my 7th shunt in. Dec2012 Dr. Oro completed a procedure called bilateral subtemporal decompression.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

It has been a while............

I now have some time on my hands so I thought I would start updating my blog again. I can't believe it has been nearly a year since I have been here. I am back in school. I just finished the spring semester and am enjoying my summer break for the next two weeks. On May 31st we will be heading to Denver, CO for me to have a double surgery. 
In February 2009, I met with Dr. Oro - a very educated Chiari doc. He diagnosed me with Tethered Cord as well as finding some blockage around the area of my previous decompression. I sure hope these surgeries will help. He gave me decent odds... it helps 2 out of 3... so we can only pray. 
The boys are doing well. I have to assume that Emily is as well. I don't get to see her or talk to her nearly as much as I would like but that comes with the territory. She has been brainwashed and hopefully one day will see through all the bullshit. 
We may be relocating shortly. Hugh is in the process of looking for a new job as his current one could possibly on the chopping block if new tax increases aren't approved by city council. 
So that is the low down on us.. I will do my best to update as soon as I can. 

Friday, July 18, 2008

Another day another........

Well I can't say another dollar since I am not working at the moment. But you know what I mean....

Curtis is still sick. I took him to the doctor yesterday since he was progressively getting worse. He also ended up with a huge red welt on his thigh from his vaccination 10 days ago. Seems as though it got infected somehow. So he is on Augmentin to try and beat all the bugs in his little body. At least his cough has calmed enough that he can sleep now. Phew!!

I talked to Emily today and she is looking forward to coming home. Seems she got into some trouble during her summer visitation in Kansas. Something about text messaging a 17 year old neighbor boy. I am not the one that wanted them to have cell phones. Oh well.

They do come home on July 30th and I can't wait. Although I sure hope they leave the attitude that they have gained there in Kansas. I don't want them coming home acting like "him".
Well on the weight loss side of things -- today was weigh in for my summer challenge. I am at 168 now so back to where I was several weeks ago. Sucks that vacation and all of my slacking during the first part of summer packed 6 lbs back on. Oh well. Back on the right track and it will come off. Hugh and I are enjoying the gym. Although with the sick boy we have to take turns going and someone staying home with him.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Not much going on today.

Not much going on today so I wanted to create a blog page that our family can visit to catch up on us.

I got a few moments to myself as Curtis was recharging during his nap. He is so cute when sleeping.
The shirt says it all. He has had a few rough days. He is fighting a cold and teething. Not fun stuff.
Poor guy!
I am still working on losing weight. I would like to drop another 20 pounds and then see where I need to go from there. I got my body fat checked at the gym - 27%. That sounds disgustingly high but the trainer said it was "fair". I am working to get that down as my weight goes down. Hugh also joined the gym with me. He is enjoying it very much. It is nice to have something to do together and get out of the house and a break from the crazy hectic world.